A broken nose isn’t the end of the world, but it is cause for a visit to the doctor. Even bumped or bruised noses can merit an appointment, depending on how they affect your health.
Not sure whether or not to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor? Give us a call if you have:
- Difficulty breathing
- Broken skin on the surface of the nose
- A nosebleed that lasts more than 20 minutes
- A collapsed bridge
- Swelling around eyes
Will I Need Surgery?
Most broken noses can be fixed via closed reduction, a nonsurgical procedure done in the ambulatory surgery center. During a closed reduction, your physician will administer a local anesthetic, then manually realign the bones in your nose.
In more severe cases (or if you wait more than 14 days to see a doctor), nasal surgery may be necessary to correct a break.